We are going to be operating in a state of planning uncertainty for some time thanks to Covid19. To manage this we are all going to need some advance planning around how to cope with level changes while developing our creative projects. To help you undertake this planning I’ve created a simple flow chart. Download it as a pdf here: https://artswhau.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/flow-chart-for-how-to-plan-for-uncertainty-v2-2020.pdf
For more information about the New Zealand Government’s response to Covid19 visit: https://covid19.govt.nz/
Find out what each level means here: https://covid19.govt.nz/assets/resources/tables/COVID-19-alert-levels-detailed.pdf
To work out what needs to be in a Covid19 compliant Health and Safety plan visit: https://worksafe.govt.nz/managing-health-and-safety/novel-coronavirus-covid/

Looking for funding to help you make work during this time? Check out the options below:
Creative New Zealand Arts Continuity Grant – for projects / phases of projects that can be finished by September 2020:
Creative New Zealand Emergency Relief Grant – for individuals who have a loss of income as a result of COVID-19 and who have received Work and Income funding:
UNESCO Minor Grants: for projects that can connect people, up to $5000: