The 11 projects funded for the upcoming year (December 2020 – June 2021) express the Whau identity through high quality art, amplify the diverse voices of the Whau and ensure our tamariki and rangatahi have access to the arts.
High Quality Art Expresses our Identity
New Windsor Mural – Trustme and Flox
A temporary mural along New Windsor Road reflecting the community’s aspirations and cultures.
New Windsor
Powertools Records – Andrew Mitai
Concerts, zines and a free digital album celebrating 20 years of Powertool records, UFO Club and Alien Records as an indie music hub in New Lynn
New Lynn
Mata Ali’i – Ashleigh Taupaki
A photography exhibition distributed across the Whau exploring matariki in Pacific Island cultures
Whau wide
Hua Parakore Images – Tanya Ruka
A series of graphic images promoting Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga and Maramatanga for distribution via the community gardening and food networks in the Whau
Whau wide
The Diverse Voices of the Whau are Amplified
Open Homes – Charles Beunconsejo
A socially engaged artwork beginning in the front yard of the Buenconsejo house and connecting with the surrounding neighbourhood through creative workshops, gardening and knowledge sharing
New Lynn South
Have you ever slept with an Asian Woman – Gemeshka Chetty and Aiwa Pooamorn
A series of workshops to explore, dissect and celebrate the experiences of pan-Asian women living in the Whau region resulting in a publication
Whau wide
Trailer for happiness – Mark Felton
A mobile spinnable artwork popping up in car parks, parks, and shared spaces around the Whau engaging local residents around the subject of depression.
Whau wide
Music extravaganza – Basant Madhur
Community musical project, where musicians from Whau and a few from other parts of Auckland will come together to present a world music performance.
Blockhouse Bay
Our Tamariki and Rangatahi Access the Arts
Social – Kinstry Smythe
Weekly drop-in sessions over for young people in Kelston with an arts focus
Youth Engagement in the Arts – Crescendo Trust of Aotearoa
Funding to engage youth and the wider community through music and radio
Youth Led drop in arts space – The Creative Souls Project
A youth led drop in creative space in the Creative Souls Project Hub