Book Launch: 3pm, Saturday 13 May, 2017
New Lynn Community Centre, 45 Totara Ave, New Lynn
The Whau Community Arts Broker and New Lynn Community Centre invite you to a community book launch. This event is to celebrate the successful conclusion of a creative writing workshop series for migrant women.
40 women from 25 countries took part in this exciting programme and examples of their work are collected in New Beginnings: New Kiwi Women Write.
Books will be available for sale and there will be readings by the writers, please join us for afternoon tea to celebrate!
New Kiwi Women Write Their Stories’ is all about creating opportunities for migrant women in Auckland through a series of creative writing workshops, led by professional Kiwi women writers. At the end of the programme we publish New Beginnings, an anthology of work by these writers. The workshops are led by established and award winning New Zealand women writers. The programme is facilitated by Renee Liang.
New Kiwi Women Write Their Stories’ was created in 2012. The program is funded by Local Boards in Auckland. To date the programme has been delivered in Albany (2011), Glenfield (2013), Sandringham (2013-2014) and Puketapapa (2015 & 2016). https://newkiwiwomenstories.wordpress.com/
Here’s some FAQs Renee has been asked over the years. https://newkiwiwomenstories.wordpress.com/2016/04/14/workshops-faqs/