Mmiri | Wai
22nd March to 20th April 2024
Mary Adeosun, Hannah Durojaiye, Diana Simumpande, Adrian Williams and Tallulah McLean
Photoshoot and workshop at Greenbay. Exhibition at ALL GOODS and GREAT NORTH RD GALLERY, Avondale
Mmiri| Wai
Mmiri | Wai was about honoring the element of water through fashion, photography, and braided hair art. This was followed by a workshop titled Marydahfairy’s Makers Meet, where Mary and others in her community gathered to share space. The workshop aimed to provide an open space for people with diverse stories, talents, and journeys to engage in conversations about mmiri | wai, the Whau, the relationship to braiding, or other gifts they brought to share.
Since 2021, Mary has built a connection with and drawn inspiration from the waters of the Whau, specifically Sandy Bay and Flounder Bay, both neighboring Blockhouse Bay.
“The degradation of the water environment was linked to the disrespect and disdain for the sacredness of this element, a reverence usurped by modernity and non-indigenous religions. This attitude towards this spiritual force resulted in a gradual breakdown in the relationship between people and nature.
I viewed a relationship through the element of water as a way to show respect for differences, similarities, and journeys we each held. I believed that a more profound relationship could be built through our connection to nature and the wai that sustained us. To honor and embody the gifts passed down to us was a central focus.” – Mary Adeosun
Mmuo Mmiri is a female deity with variant names, revered as the sustainer of sea life, bringer of hope, provider of help and protection, and giver of gifts and exotic things. She was believed to hold the key to the gate leading to the world of solutions. Among the Igbo, prayers often included the phrase ka uzo anyi buru uzo mmiri, meaning “may our journey follow the path of the stream.” She guided people to exotic lands and permitted them to travel and reach their destinations across the sea (Kanu 2013, 2015).
Kanu, I. A. (2022). Chapter 3: Ecological Significance of Mmuo Mmiri (water spirits) in Igbo Philosophy and Religion. In African eco-philosophy: Cosmology, consciousness, and the environment (pp. 31–39). AUTHORHOUSE UK.