Do you have an idea for a great creative project that you’d like to make happen in the Whau local board area* between August 2019 and June 2020?
Arts Whau supports temporary creative projects created by and for local people in the Whau through funding, advice and practical assistance.
In the past we’ve supported you to float a theatre on the Whau River, create a pop-up arts space in the Avondale markets, combine poetry with food tasting, lead weaving workshops, and create exhibitions, poster projects, sound walks, collaborative short films, graffiti jams, jazz concerts and street performances.
Our call for proposals for 2019 – 2020 is now open. We’re excited to see what you will come up with this time.
You can apply for funding for a project in any art form. What’s important is that the project:
* meaningfully involves a local community
* is led by a local or someone with strong local connections
* has an interesting creative idea behind it
* and takes place in the Whau Local Board area between August 2019 and June 2020.
The call for proposals closes 10 am, Monday Morning, 1 July, 2018.
The Details:
Projects may be supported in one or more ways including:
Project funding: The purpose of the available funding is to build connections between art, artists and communities through supporting public presentation, skill sharing, and opportunities for participation in the arts for artists and non artists alike. (For funding sources for the development process of creating new work visit Creative New Zealand).
Practical assistance: Help with finding locations, permits, planning, and applications for funding, feedback and advice on projects in development
Introductions to people: We can help you make connections to artists, community organisations, businesses or other people you might want to involve in your project
Event or opportunity promotion: through the Arts Whau and Auckland Council platforms.
How to make a proposal:
1. Get in contact with the Whau Community Arts Broker, Melissa Laing, and discuss your idea.
Email: broker@artswhau.org.nz
Mobile: 021 1829 451
2. Write your proposal and send it to her as a single document pdf
Include the following information:
An outline of your idea. It doesn’t have to be long but should include:
A description of the idea;
how long the project will run and how often it will take place (this could be one off or repeated, one day, a few months or ongoing);
where the activities will take place;
and how your project include members of a Whau community. This might be as participants or co-creators, or as audience members because a project happens in a particularly public space.
A budget.
Who is involved. Information about the people making the project happen and what their connection with the Whau is
Contact details. A contact name, email address and phone number.
What have we supported before?
We’ve supported a wide range of projects over the last 5 years. We’ve helped float a theatre on the Whau River, supported a pop-up arts space in the Avondale markets, and enabled intergenerational collaborations in storytelling and created collaborative short films. We’ve worked with people to run workshops, graffiti jams, exhibitions and poster projects, sound walks, jazz concerts and street performances. You can find a full list of supported projects at https://artswhau.org.nz
Are there any special areas of interest for 2019/20?
We are open to all ideas and locations in the Whau and we love and want to support what you are doing already. However there are some areas we’re hoping to grow this year so they are as strong as everything else. These are:
Projects which reflect the fact that 31% of Whau residents have their roots in Asia (this includes South and South East Asia)
Projects which engage with the sites and residents of New Windsor, Blockhouse Bay and Green Bay.
Projects from mana whenua
What do we mean by temporary?
What is considered temporary changes with the project which could span two years or be in the public eye for just one minute. Whether your project will be available to the public for one hour, one day, one week, one month it should have an end point in mind. If the project’s duration is indefinite or will result in a permanent artwork then the Whau Community Arts Broker can point you to the people to talk to and other funding source.
Where can I do a project?
A project can take place anywhere in the Whau (see below). If you’re stuck for ideas or the place you want to do your project isn’t available check out this list of possible venues and places
How much can I apply for?
In previous years Arts Whau has funded between 12 and 17 projects a year. The smallest funding amount was $300 for a single workshop the largest was $12,000 for a multi week multi artist project. Most projects receive between 1 and 6 thousand dollars. Arts Whau will pay for project management time, artist fees, project costs, promotion and manaakitanga.
What is the Whau and Whau Community Arts Brokering?
The Whau area encompasses New Lynn, Green Bay, Kelston, Rosebank, Waterview, Avondale, New Windsor and Blockhouse Bay. Read more about the Local Board area here: http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/SiteCollectionDocuments/ward_whau.pdf or check it out on the map here http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2099951#map=13/-36.9071/174.6657 To see what people have been doing in the Whau so far explore this website, follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram or join our mailing list.